M.I.B stands for Mama,Iman n Babah.My small family consist of me(MamaRayyan),my adorable son(Iman Ar-Rayyan) n beloved hubby(Hairulanuar).This blog is created to share thoughts n experienced especially in parenting.
"Some people will hear about it and go yuck - but actually it's pure organic, free-range and totally natural."
Mrs Hiley, who gets £15 for every 10 ounces of milk she donates to the company, said it was a great "recession beater".
"What's the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash?" she added.
"I teach women how to get started on breastfeeding their babies. There's very little support for women and every little helps."
Mr O'Connor said 14 other women had come forward to offer their services. Health checks for the lactating women were the same used by hospitals to screen blood donors.
"No-one's done anything interesting with ice cream in the last hundred years," he added.
Berita di petik dari BBC NEWS
Persoalannya,blh ke susu ibu ni diminum@makan oleh org yg bukan haknya?Susu ibu mestila utk anak dia je kan,klu dia susukan anak org jadi anak susuan plak?Apa hukumnya ye?
Ada sapa2 blh tlg jawab???
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